Allens is a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) delivering Nationally Recognised courses to individuals, organisations and groups in First Aid, WHS, Construction, Fire and Emergency.
Categories: Employment Services & Training
Allens is a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) delivering Nationally Recognised courses to individuals, organisations and groups in First Aid, WHS, Construction, Fire and Emergency.
Categories: Employment Services & Training
Employment provider assisting clients with a medical condition or physical disability to obtain sustainable employment.
Categories: Employment Services & Training
We work with people with disability and employers to get the right people into the right jobs. We provide Disability Employment Services (DES) in Goulburn, NSW.
As a trusted employment services provider working with thousands of Australians every year, we’re here to make getting a job as easy and stress-free as possible.
Categories: Employment Services & Training
An Australian Disability Enterprise employing disabled persons across three businesses. Endeavor Industries strives to assist persons with a disability to reach their potential by delivering responsive, innovative quality disability services. By providing our employees with a safe support network, we have helped hundreds of disabled Australians achieve independence, job satisfaction and improved self-esteem.
Categories: Employment Services & Training
Utilising over 40 years experience in sales, marketing, customer service and public speaking, Graeme can help you with your training and consulting needs.
Categories: Employment Services & Training
NOVA is a FREE service to both employers and job seekers to connect Workers with Ability to Employers who embrace Diversity.
If you are an EMPLOYER needing staff, NOVA can assist you to find the right worker for your business.
If you are a JOB SEEKER with a disability, injury or health condition NOVA can help you to find and maintain suitable employment.
NOVA operates the following programs and services:
NOVA Employment, Disability Employment Service (DES), for job seekers with a disability, injury or health condition who require assistance to find and maintain employment, funded by the Department of Social Services.
NOVA Transition, a service for school leavers with disability who require more intensive assistance to transition to work, funded by NDIS SLES Funding (School Leaver Employment Supports)
Categories: Employment Services & Training
NOVA Employment is an ‘open employment’ program. We find our jobseekers work in the general community, with the same working conditions as people who do not have a disability. NOVA is not a sheltered workshop, or ‘business service’. |
Categories: Employment Services & Training
We believe that everyone can work. We provide a range of tailored training programs and individual supports to young adults with complex learning needs to help them achieve their employment goals.
We work with local Goulburn businesses to facilitate voluntary work experience opportunities for young adults with disability. This enables these young adults an opportunity to develop their employability skills, explore and identify their strengths, interests and employment support needs in real work settings. We provide the supports for our program learners in the workplace so businesses don’t need to.
We see the strong community ties in regional areas as a valuable resource with the potential to drive genuine inclusion in employment that hasn’t yet been fully realised for people living with disability.
Categories: Employment Services & Training
Categories: Employment Services & Training
Categories: Employment Services & Training
Shop 2 Civic Plaza, 53-63 Clifford St
Goulburn, NSW 2580