To create a dynamic hub for business trade, growth, networking and training which facilitate s a strong local economy for the benefit of all.

Our monthly Chamber meeting. Thanks to Mayor Bob Kirk for being our guest speaker.
Mission 1: To Network
Connecting with other local businesses is key to a thriving Chamber and business community.
Sharing ideas, strategies, referrals, information and services is important to one’s individual growth, as well as for building a community known business.
Having the opportunity to meet socially with your peers, outside of a business setting, is a positive way to learn more about them. Come and have fun, relax and make new friends, at a time which your normal business hours may not give you.
At the Chamber, we cultivate and nurture business relationships by organising and supporting a variety of networking events in our community. These include:
- Monthly Chamber Meetings
- Business After Hours events
- Speaking Events
- Business Functions (luncheons, parties, breakfasts, forums)
- Networking and collaborating with other Chambers
Click here to join our next Networking event. We look forward to seeing you soon.

Members meeting at the Goulburn Soldiers Club!
Mission 2: To Inform
Having quality and relevant business information at hand is key to staying current in today’s business market.
With so many changes occurring in the legislative, technological, marketing, sales and production arenas, it can be hard to stay on top of it all as a business owner.
At the Chamber we strive to keep you informed of effective business practice and important information which could impact your business and the economic development of our local region.
We keep our Members informed through:
- Electronic Newsletters
- Listing NSW Business Chamber Events and Information
- Training events, such as Seminars and Workshops
- The distribution of business resources
- Guest speakers at our meetings
- Connecting you to relevant advice services
The Chamber of Commerce is a great first point of call for any new or existing Goulburn business. We also serve as a conduit for many Private, Local Council and State Government business services.
If you would like more information, help or support for yourself or your business, please click on the following local or industry bodies:
- Goulburn Mulwaree Council at http://www.goulburn.nsw.gov.au/
- Regional Development Australia Southern Inland at http://www.rdasi.org.au/
- Business Enterprise Centres at http://becaustralia.org.au/
- NSW Government Fair Trading at http://www.fairtrading.nsw.gov.au/
- Australian Government- Business at https://www.business.gov.au/
- NSW Business Chamber at http://www.nswbusinesschamber.com.au/
- Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry at https://www.acci.asn.au/
- NSW Department of Industry at http://www.industry.nsw.gov.au/
- Council of Small Business Australia at http://www.cosboa.org.au/

2016 Goulburn Business Excellence Awards
Mission 3: To Support
Helping our local businesses thrive and be successful is key to the Chamber’s mission.
Our Members are positive, optimistic, enthusiastic, proactive people who believe that we live in a wonderful community and that our local region has a huge amount to offer to businesses.
We always have and will continue to serve the needs of businesses here in Goulburn. We do that by providing:
- You with referrals to experts who can provide you with business advice
- Quality, practical and purposeful Training events, Seminars and Workshops
- Shop Local Campaigns, promoting the benefits of shopping here in Goulburn
- Recognition, in the form of presenting the Goulburn Business Excellence Awards, which recognises the success and achievements of local businesses.
- Regular meetings and social events to connect people to each other
- Support to other local business leaders and their initiatives, which strive to increase overall business growth here in Goulburn

Anton Szpitalak, CEO Stockade Brewco
Mission 4: To Advocate
In the Goulburn Chamber of Commerce you have an organisation which will fight for your local business needs and argue, to Governments at all levels, for the best business causes.
We are a single voice for business and speak on behalf of and in support of our Members and community.
We advocate for you in many ways, including:
- Representing local businesses at community events (like the Sydney Royal Easter, Canberra and Goulburn Shows)
- Speaking regularly to Council about issues affecting businesses
- Communicating our business needs, goals and actions to Media outlets
- Maintaining solid, fruitful and positive relationships with our Local and Federal Parliamentary Members
- Utilising the NSW Business Chamber for bigger business issues
- Partnering with Council to promote the development of Goulburn’s business community, like the Extractive Industries Forum, the Chinese Export Business Forum and Press Gatherings and Events, promoting Goulburn as a great place to live and work.
If you feel you need to talk to someone about an issue affecting your business or you feel strongly about an issue affecting our business community, contact us. [email protected].