On Saturday 18 March 2017, Pictures & Popcorn in the Park returns!
The Garden Bar will be back – serving up local wines and ales, plus Eat Street as well as an array of activities to entertain the kids while the sun goes down.
If you are interested in participating in this event, we are currently accepting Expressions of Interest from stallholders. Please email our Events Officer Angela Remington on [email protected] and an application form will be sent out to you mid-January.
Let us know if you want to be a part of one of the most popular evening events happening #RightNowInGoulburn where adults, teenagers, children and families alike spend an easy-going evening together in the open-air cinema in the beautiful Belmore Park.
Where: Belmore Park, Goulburn
When: Saturday 18 March 2017, Activities begin in the afternoon (from 5pm), movie starts at dark (approximately 8.00pm).
Admission: free.